Although internet and electronic banking have become extremely popular over the past decade or so, there are still many people who prefer to make use of personal checks to pay for goods or even obtain a sum of cash while out shopping. With some places no longer being able to cash personal checks anymore, many people are now asking, “Who cashes personal checks?” The good news is that there are still quite a few stores that provide this service.
Most Banks
One of the most obvious answers to “Who cashes personal checks?” is banks. These institutions are fully equipped to exchange your personal checks for cash, provided that you are willing to follow a few simple rules and instructions. For example, you will need to provide at least one form of photo identification (in some cases, two forms of photo identification may be requested) before the bank teller will be able to exchange your check for cash.
It is important to remember that while you are able to cash any check at a bank where you are an account holder, checks can only be cashed by non-customers at the actual bank that issued the check. For instance, if you receive a check that has been drawn on the Bank of America, you will be able to take it to any branch of Bank of America in order to cash it – even if you do not currently have an account with them.
When going into the bank to cash your check (if you don’t have an account with them), you will need to let the bank teller know that you intend cashing a check issued to you by one of their customers. The bank will, in turn, be able to confirm which account holder it comes from because of the fact that it has access to that particular account. This means that the bank will be able to establish almost immediately whether there are sufficient funds in the account to process the check or not.
Feel free to read our post about open bank account with no opening deposit for more detailed information.
Although Giant-Eagle stores will be willing to cash personal checks, you will need to either already have a Giant Eagle Advantage Card or apply for one on the spot before you can attempt to cash any personal checks. With regards to check cashing fees, it is recommended that you inquire at your local Giant-Eagle, as these may vary from time to time. When attempting to cash a personal check here, you will need to sign or endorse it in the presence of an authorized Giant-Eagle staff member. The name on the check also needs to correspond with the name on the Giant Eagle Advantage Card account that is being used.
When asking, “Who cashes personal checks?” one of the most popular options tends to be the many Kmart stores situated around the country. When attempting to cash a personal check here, you will need to keep in mind that these stores only cash personal checks of up to $500 in value. There may also be a check cashing fee that will need to be paid, but this will depend on which state you are performing the transaction in. However, this fee is usually minimal – it ranges between $0.50 and $1 per check. You will need to provide government-approved identification to cash your check as well.
Most Ralphs stores are usually willing to cash personal checks. However, it is entirely up to management’s discretion whether a particular check will be cashed or not, as they do have the right to refuse to process the transaction. Check cashing fees can vary between $3 and $5, depending on which state the store is located in. You will also need to produce at least one form of government approved identification before a personal check can be cashed. These include a driver’s license, state-issued ID, a passport, military ID or temporary ID.
Although the Publix stores mention that they are willing to cash personal checks, there is no mention anywhere of what fees they will charge to provide this service to anyone who asks, “Who cashes personal checks?” As a result, it is recommended that you either call ahead and inquire or ask your local store manager whether there will be any fees charged to cash your personal check. Before being allowed to cash a personal check of any value at an Publix store, you will be required to present one form of government approved identification such as a driver’s license, state-issued photo identity card or military ID card.
Dedicated Check Cashing Locations
Below are a few locations that will be able to assist with answering the question of, “Who cashes personal checks?”
ACE Check Cashing
These stores can cash personal checks of varying amounts, but you will need to inquire regarding what they charge to process your check. You will need to supply a form of photo identification to exchange your check for cash.
Check Into Cash
You can cash all of your personal (and many other types as well) checks at your local Check Into Cash store. Again, you will need to inquire beforehand regarding what fees you will be expected to pay for processing your check. Identification will also be required to complete the transaction.
Check Smart
Although this chain of check cashing stores may only be available in some states, they are able to assist with cashing your personal checks. You will need to call ahead or inquire at the time if processing your check regarding the fees that you will be expected to pay to cash it though. Photo identification will also be required for you to obtain your cash.
Money Mart
These check cashing stores are able to cast a wide variety of checks in addition to personal checks, thus providing an answer to, “Who cashes personal checks?” The fees charged to cash a personal check with them may vary, so it is recommended that you inquire ahead of time about them. You will also need to provide at least one form of photo identification in order to get your cash in hand.
PLS Check Cashing
PLS Check Cashing is also able to assist with regards to converting your personal checks into cash. With regards to the fees that are charged by them for this service, you can expect to pay as little as $1 plus around 1% of the value of the check. After asking, “Who cashes personal checks?” many people are pleased to find out how affordable it is to have them cashed at these locations. You will also be required to present at least one form of valid photo identification before you will be able to receive your cash in hand.
Before attempting to cash any type of check, it is crucial to ensure that all of the information on the check is 100% legible and that no errors have been made when writing it out (in the case of a handwritten check). Regardless of where you would like to cash your personal check, you will need to provide photo identification. This prevents any form of check fraud from taking place and it ensures that only you are able to obtain cash from a check that has been made out to you.